Join me in embracing life while navigating - life. As for me, I’m navigationg loss, bit not only loss. This is a safe place for exploring love, loss, grief, hope, spirituality, vocation, family, friendship, the wonder of love and the love of wonder.
We’ll cover lots of territory. Some hard stuff, yes, and some good –even fun – stuff. Because life holds all of it. Here’s a peek into why I’m here, sharing my experiences and inviting you to join me: So Many Questions
I’m an author, an ordained minister, a mom, and a nana, and a daughter, a dog mom; I’m a friend, a seeker, a reader, a kayaker, a bad cook, a good listener. I’m like you – multi-dimensional and complicated and “fearfully and wonderfully made!”
My most recent book is a novel: Trouble the Water, inspired by the extraordinary true life and enduring legacy of an under-sung American hero named Robert Smalls. It sounds hyperbolic, but it’s true: researching and writing this story changed my life. More here for the curious: Trouble the Water, or here if you prefer audio: Trouble the Water audio
And because sometimes the in-person conversations can open us up in wonderful ways, I do occasional speaking and events. You can find more about that part of my life here: Rebecca Bruff, Author
And because lots of us are readers and writers, I’ll reference some of my own work and that of others. These will mostly show up in Monthly Updates like this: April Update
What’s the difference between free and paid subscriptions?
Right now, all the content on Question Marks is free. I am deeply appreciative of subscribers who are willing and able to support this work financially. It takes considerable time and energy to put good content out there, and I am committed to doing that.
One of the best ways to support this site is to share it with others and to encourage them to subscribe. Post it on your social media sites. Forward the weekly emails to friends and family. Let people know that you’re reading it and that you enjoy it!
Either way, I welcome you here, to this space, where we can question and ponder and wonder and wander freely! I want you to know that you’re not alone.
Maybe you’re in the deep end of loss and grief. Maybe you’ve been through a season of letting go – and oh, that happens in so many ways and hardly ever how we’d choose. Maybe you have questions that cling like velcro, and you feel alone. Or stuck. Or invisible.
You’re not alone.
Maybe your questions are huge and cosmic and existential. Maybe they’re quiet and persistent and curious.
You’re not alone.
Maybe you’re on the edge of something new, creative, exciting and terrifying. Trust me. I see you, and you’re not alone. (You may want to read this: Life Lessons from the Pelicans: Courage and Delight (and yikes) Vulnerability)
Those who know me know that I love questions. And I’ve learned/am learning that questions can shape us, mark us, form us, teach us. Curiosity and mystery can open new paths. Even our hardest questions can be our friends, our companions, our guides.
We’ll be gentle here, and hold the questions with compassion and curiosity and open hearts.
I hope you’ll join the conversation.
*Answers are neither guaranteed nor required.